Supplies Needed:
- Enema Bucket/Bag – stainless steel or silicone bag
- Organic Enema Coffee
- Distilled Water
- Fine mesh strainer
- Funnel
- Coconut Oil or Lubricant
- Towel
- A working toilet 🙂
- Â Prepare the coffee:
- Add 4 cups of distilled water and desired amount of organic enema coffee to a saucepan (prefer non-toxic, stainless steel). Bring to a boil and allow to boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn heat to low, apply lid to saucepan, and allow solution to simmer for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.Â
- How much coffee to use? This will depend on you and your tolerance. For most individuals we recommend starting with 1 tbsp. If you tolerate this amount, you can increase slowly to 3 tbsp over your next several enemas. If you don’t tolerate 1 tbsp OR are historically very sensitive to any treatments, you may want to start with 1 tsp and work up slowly to a higher amount.
- Â Find your enema space:
- You’ll want to find a space to complete the enema that is close to your toilet. The enema bag will need to hang at least 1.5-2 feet higher than your bum when you are laying down, so find a good place to hang it or put up a new nail or hook to use. The higher the bag is hung, the faster the flow will be – but you can control the speed using the tubing. Commonly used places to hang your bag are: towel racks, shower head, closet racks, door knobs. Prepare your space by laying down a towel and for comfort, I always have a pillow for my head.
- Take this time to put your lubricant in your enema space. Laying down and realizing you don’t have your lubricant before starting is the worst! I use organic, cold pressed coconut oil. I take a small dollop from the jar and place on a paper towel. Put it where it will be easily accessible when you go to start your enema.
- Pour coffee into enema bag
- Once the solution has cooled and is lukewarm, you’ll need to transfer it to your bag.
- BEFORE you put the coffee into your bag, check that the tubing stopcock is CLOSED. If the stopcock is open, you are going to have a mess on your hands. Typically the stopcocking piece will be facing the bag and not the nozzle when it is in the closed position.
- To transfer the solution, I first get a medium/large mason jar or other jar/bowl/cup. I’ll put my funnel into the mason jar opening and then on top of the funnel use my fine mesh strainer. Pour the coffee over the strainer and it will drain through the funnel into the mason jar. Do your best to not miss the strainer, as you do not want any coffee grounds to end up in your bag.
- Dump the contents of the mason jar into your bag.
- Prime your Bag
- Priming your bag means allowing the coffee solution to fill the tubing. You’ll want to do this over the toilet or into a sink.
- Hang your bag. Point the enema tip/nozzle into the toilet/sink. Slowly open the stopcock to allow the coffee to fill the tubing. Once you see no or very minimal air in the tubing, turn the stopcock back to the OFF position.
- You are ready!
- Hang your bag. Lubricate your enema tip. Lay down on your left side and pull your right leg up. This will help open thing up for easier insertion.
- Gently insert the enema tip into your rectum. If you feel any resistance, STOP! Try changing your angle of insertion and try again. The tip should glide in and there should not be any pain. Do NOT force it in.
- Once the full tip has been inserted, open the stopcock slowly to allow the fluid to flow in. I usually open the stopcock about halfway, as this is a speed I can tolerate well. But adjust based on your tolerance.
- It can take up to several minutes to get the enema solution into your body, depending on your speed. Don’t panic, go as slow as you need to or stop if you are feeling uncomfortable.
- Once all the solution is in, close the stopcock on the bag and remove the enema tip from your rectum.
- Retention
- Try to retain the coffee for a maximum 15-20 minutes. If you are new to this process, you may not be able to hold the fluid at all. When your body says ‘get it out’ don’t try to force it to stay in – go let it out! The more you do it, the longer you will be able to hold it. But every day will vary and some days will be easier than others. This is normal – just listen to what your body is telling you to do!
- I like to lay on my left side for about 10 minutes and then turn to my right side for 10 minutes. Some people like to only lay on their right side or on their backs – do what’s comfortable for you.
- Elimination
- If you make it to 20 minutes, at this point go release the solution into the toilet. There is no benefit of holding the solution beyond this point.
- After Care
- If you are feeling unwell after your enema, you may want to take some activated charcoal to help bind up released toxins.
- Make sure to clean and dry your bag afterwards to prevent mold and bacterial growth. I like to keep peroxide in my tubing until my next use. If you don’t plan to use often, I would clean, dry, and disconnect the parts until next use.